Residenza San Tomaso
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How to reach Residenza San Tomaso b and b, furnished apartments, residence in central Verona

By bus: the Valerio Catullo airport of Verona is situated about 10Km from the city centre and is connected to the Porta Nuova Station, and vice-versa, by a blue shuttle bus. Departures every 20 min.
By car: Take the tangenziale (ring-road) in a northerly direction, following the indications to Verona. Drive along the entire ring road and, when you arrive at the end, turn right, travelling beside the subway (on your left), and continue straight ahead. When you reach the traffic lights at the crossing of Corso Porta Nuova (there is a Shell filling station on your right), continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, always proceed straight ahead and pass the Aleardi bridge, access the Lungadige Galtarossa and continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, continue straight ahead, accessing piazza Isolo. Go through Piazza Isolo and turn left, accessing Lungadige Re Teodorico, drive along all of it and, when you reach the bridge, turn left and then left again into Via Santa Maria Rocca Maggiore, turn right at the first crossing and you have arrived. Vicolo Seghe San Tomaso 10/10-a

Exit A4 Milano Venezia – Verona Sud (Verona Fair) Proceed straight ahead on the junction in the direction of the centre (about 3.5Km). When you have passed the subway, turn right at the traffic lights, at the next traffic lights drive straight ahead and pass the Aleardi bridge, accessing Lungadige Galtarossa and continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, continue straight ahead. At the next traffic lights, continue straight ahead, accessing piazza Isolo. Go through Piazza Isolo and turn left, accessing Lungadige Re Teodorico, drive along all of it and, when you reach the Ponte Nuovo bridge, turn left and then left again into Via Santa Maria Rocca Maggiore, turn right at the first crossing and you have arrived. Vicolo Seghe San Tomaso 10/10-a

From the Verona Porta Nuova station by bus (orange) weekdays : 72 - 73
Sundays and holidays: 91
Get off at Via Santa Maria Rocca Maggiore or in Piazza Isolo, and you are just a few steps away from Vicolo Seghe San Tomaso, 10/10-a.
Bus tickets can be bought before taking the bus at tobacco and newsagents shops.

Have a good trip!